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Be yourself guys!

hey! menurut kalian lagu apa yang liriknya paling pas tentang "Be yourself"?
menurut saya ini yang terbaik! hahaha

spongebob and the losers- ripped pants song

ayo nyanyi bareng! :)
SpongeBob and The Losers - Ripped Pants Lyrics
When I ripped my pants
I thought that I had everybody on my side,
'till I went and blew it,
all sky high
and now she won't even spare a passing glance
all just because I [rip] ripped my pants.
(Whole band singing)
When big Lary came 'round just to put him down
Spongebob turned into a clown
and no girl ever wants to dance
with a fool who went and [rip] ripped his pants
(Spongebob singing)
I know I shouldn't mope around,
I shouldn't curse
but the pain feels so much worse
Cause windin up with no one is a lot less fun
then a burn from the sun
or sand in your buns....

Now I learned a lesson I won't soon forget
so listen and you won't regret
be true to yourself
don't miss your chance
and you won't end up like the fool...who...ripped...his..PAAANTS



halo! sudah lama gk posting di blog ini. ada banyk cerita bnernya yang mau saya ceritakan. tapi kesibukan saya akhir2 ini membuat saya mengesampingkan kegiatan saya yang lain.
sepertinya saya mulai bosan dengan rutinitas. huh.
saya lagi sibuk di blog sebelah nih. mampir aj kalo mau tau. ini linknya